People, Years, Life in photo. Travel impressions. Daily life.



City Square

Strasbourg – one of three modern capitals of the united Europe. For a mixed feeling is the architecture of the city – whether it’s France, or Germany. Today it is a French city, but a lot of things say about its German origins and complicated history. In Europe, all intertwined, many times altered and redistributed among the States, and therefore a matter of respect to a reasonable solution to unite and wipe on the possibility of conflicts between European States. No borders, no borders patrols, no boring looks suspicious border guards. That creates a comfort, it relaxes and allows the person to feel at home, it creates a sense of freedom and harmony.

Strasbourg Cathedral

In contrast to Germany Munster, major Cathedrals in all French cities are Notre-Dame. The Strasbourg Cathedral is striking in its threaded jewelry. Talented artists carved all items with a particular sophistication. It is hard to imagine that all this is made out of stone. From the distance at which the eye is not focused on the details, the whole structure looks like a skeleton covered with lace. Music in Stone – otherwise it cannot be called!

Strasbourg CathedralThe sculpture, which cover Cathedral, inscribed harmoniously into the overall design and, therefore, is complex as a whole. Needless to add, but nothing can be separated. It is perfect and finished form.

Smiling Girls

A very important feature and the main difference of Western countries is the people. Looking at them gives the impression that the problems do not exist for them, all they have is good and everything is arranged. No one worried face, smile and just an open mind, tolerance for everybody and everything, and no bitterness, and even more aggression. Life flows slowly. Hustle and bustle is not observed. But why spoil life for themselves and others?

River bank

Such a feeling that in Europe the only river is Rhine. It dodges, twists, making its way through many European countries. Here in Strasbourg, it is the main artery. Beautiful strong embankments, gardens on the banks, numerous swans and other waterfowl, couples, students and just resting citizens sit on the benches and swim in pleasure boat on this beautiful river.

Strasbourg - Little France

One of the strangest and at the same time, reminiscent of old Germanic origin of place is the area of ​​the Little France (Petite-France). For the French city it is strange presence of the district with the same name. But lost in the historical roots of the city, it becomes clear that the presence of French in the German city area looks quite normal. Extensive search of the place finally crowned with success, but something special, seemingly releasing this part of the general urban ensemble could not be found. Just pretty nice quarter.

The rest, of course, a huge city. Given its current status, there are many different European institutions and, accordingly, finance, thus maintaining it in proper form and makes it an important place in all aspects.

Photo gallery Strasbourg ( City , People , Cathedral , Little France ).

5 responses

  1. Pingback: Sagrada Familia, Exterior Details | World in your eyes

  2. The church “lace” can’t be made out of stone, right?! I had the same feeling in Florence when I viewed the unfinished sculptures in the hall on the way to the “David” dome. The arm reaching out of the block of stone, in particular.

    December 12, 2012 at 8:06 am

    • Yes, it is breath-taking viewing!

      December 12, 2012 at 8:15 am

  3. Gorgeous city! Your pictures are amazing!

    September 13, 2012 at 4:37 pm

  4. Nicely done… give us an intimate look at this beautiful and remarkable city. Thank You!

    August 29, 2012 at 12:51 pm

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